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Atrações Dumfries

Dumfries foi fundada como um Royal Burgh em 1186  e é um lugar para passar o dia, vendo todas as atrações,  

um lugar que Robert Burns ligou para casa.

Coisas para ver incluem, Robert Burns House Mausoléu, Rose Garden

Túmulo e Estátua, Ponte Devorgilla, Museu da Ponte Velha, Midsteeple,

Memorial dos destinatários da Victoria Cross

Museu Dumfries e Câmara Obscura

Museu da Aviação, Centro Robert Burns

Casa e Jardim Fosso Brae

Igreja Greyfriars e  os correios mais antigos do mundo.

Devorgilla Bridge Dumfries

A lista abaixo são as atrações identificadas no mapa de Dumfries e Galloway

Ermida de Robert Burns


Chalé Burns


Igreja Paroquial de São Miguel e Sul


Bonecos de estátua Burns


Casa de Robert Burns


Estátua de Armadura de Jean


Museu Dumfries


Obscura e Museu


Fazenda Robert Burns Ellisland


Jardim Memorial de Robert Burns


Cairn Memorial de Robert Burns


sobrancelha bem


Local da Antiga Igreja Greyfriars


Museu da Caixa Econômica


Museu da Aviação Dumfries e Galloway


Abadia Querida

Ponte Devorgilla




Centro Robert Burns  


Mausoléu de Robert Burns  


Igreja de Burgh


Casa da Noruega


Jardim de Rosas Robert Burns


Academia Dumfries


Dr Henrique Duncan  Estátua


Fonte do Lochfoot


Ca' os Yowes  

Pedra Memorial de Robert Burns


Rocha das Queimaduras


Memorial de Guerra Maxwellton


Museu Casa da Ponte Velha


Monumento ao 3º Duque de Queensberry


Robert Burns Rose Garden Dumfries Plaque.JPG
Plaque on his house in Dumfries.JPG
Robert Burns Mausoleum Dumfries.
Robert Burns Statue Dumfries

John Paul Jones Birthplace Museum


John Paul Jones was a Revolutionary War hero known as the father of the U.S. Navy.

Born in Arbigland Kirkcudbright Scotland in 6th July 1747, John Paul joined the British Merchant Marine at the age of 13 at the age of 27 he fled to America as he murdered a sailor in self-defence on the island of Tobago. Arriving in America he added Jones to his name to hide his identity. He joined the Continental Navy and became the scourge of the British Navy, when the Continental Navy disbanded in 1787 he joined the Russian Navy. He ended his life in France and died in Paris in 1792.

His remains were eventually found in a disused cemetery in Paris and return to America. He lies at rest in a tomb inside the chapel of the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.

There has been 5 US naval war ships named after John Paul Jones the last being

the USS John Paul Jones (DDG-53) built in 1991.

John Paul Jones Plaque Kirkbean
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