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South Street St Andrews

South Street is where you will find St Mary's Quad

and the Gregory meridian. The oldest part of the University

and the town gate (west port). Madras College Blackfriars Chapel ruins, the Town Hall and many other historic sites.

De westelijke haven

Zuid straat  St. Andrews  Schotland

De West Port werd gebouwd omstreeks 1580 en is de enige poort in Schotland die nog in zijn oorspronkelijke positie staat. Het lijkt geen onderdeel te zijn van een stadsmuur die zou zijn gesloten in geval van een invasie door de Engelsen. De poort werd in 1843 uitgebreid gerenoveerd.  Boven het midden van de boog is het wapenschild van St. Andrews 

St Andrews West Port Looking into the Old Town
St Andrews West Port Looking out of the Old Town

Gavin Douglas 1474 - 1522

Gavin Douglas werd geboren in Tantallon Castle East Lothian.

Hij was de 3e zoon van Archibald "Bell the Cat" Douglas 5de Graaf van Angus. en had een huis in de buurt van deze plek. Een student van St Andrews University, hij was een dichter bekend om zijn "Palice of Honor"  en voor zijn "Eneados" een vertaling van Vergilius' "Aeneis" in het Schots. Hij was decaan van St Giles Edinburgh in 1501 de bisschop van Dunkeld in 1515. Overleden 1522 Londen van de pest. Zijn wapen stond ooit boven de plaquette, zie hieronder hoe het eruit zag.

Gavin Douglas Plaque St Andrews, Famous People

Madras College 

South Street St Andrews

Madras College first opened in 1833 and takes its name from founder the Rev. Dr Andrew Bell and the educational system he devised. 

see his plaque beside Blackfriars Chapel.

Madras College St Andrews

Blackfriars Chapel

Blackfriars Chapel St Andrews
Blackfriars Chapel St Andrews

Blackfriars Chapel werd gebouwd in 1525 en beschadigd door brand in 1547 en in 1559 verwoest door een protestant tijdens de reformatie. De structuur op South Street is het enige dat overblijft.

Charles Lapworth Plaque

South Street St Andrews

Charles Lapworth was a teacher at Madras College 1875 – 1881.

A self-taught Geologist was the founder of a new geological time (The Ordovician Period)

He became a Professor of Geology in 1881 at Birmingham University.

Plaque Reads:


Between 1875 and 1881 Lapworth was a teacher of English at Madras College. In his spare time he studied the Rocks of extinct creatures called Graptolites to help unravel the complexities of these ancient rocks. As a result of his careful studies, he proposed anew division of geological time, The Ordovician Period that is now recognised and used internationally. He also correctly interpreted the Moine Thrust Fault Zone in the North West Highlands of Scotland as amass of older rocks pushed over younger ones, an idea which at the time conflicted with orthodoxy. He left St Andrews in 1881 to become Professor of Geology at the University of Birmingham.

Charles Lapworth Plaque

Dr Andrew Bell Plaque

South Street St Andrews

Dr Bell was born in South Street St Andrews in 1753

he died in 1832. Son of Bailie Bell, Andrew was Founder of the Madras College in 1833 he pioneered

the Madras System of Education. 

Teaching system which went worldwide,

where older children taught younger children.

Plaque reads:

The Reverend Dr Andrew Bell 1753 – 1832

An educational reformer and philanthropist. He was born in

St Andrews. It was while serving in Madras in India that he developed a form of schooling where

the older pupils taught the younger.

When he returned he introduced his “Madras” or monitorial system as an economical form of mass education. The idea spread, Madras Schools appearing in Canada and Australia. Among the other local benefactions was the Bell fund for the benefit of St Andrews. He ended his career as Prebendary of Westminster Abbey. Where he is buried.

Dr Andrew Bell Plaque

Het huis van Dr John Adamson

Dr John Adamson's House St Andrews
Dr Adamson's Birthplace St Andrews

Dr. John Adamson 1809 - 1870 woonde hier 1845 - 1865

Hij was arts en pioniersfotograaf.

In 1841 maakte hij ook het eerste calotypieportret.

Hij leerde ook zijn broer Robert en Thomas Rodger de techniek en kunst van fotografie. 

Holy Trinity Church

South Street St Andrews

The Holy Trinity Church originally stood close to St Andrews Cathedral

and was built in 1144.

It has been in its present position in South Street since 1412. 

Originally served by Roman Catholic priests

it changed with the Reformation in 1559

to Protestant and Episcopalian priests.

Since 1689 the ministers have been Presbyterian.

The Tower and two interior arches are the only original parts of the church from 1412 that remain.

1907 the church was demolished and rebuilt to the previous medieval church’s footprint and rededicated on St Andrews Day in 1909.

Holy Trinity Church St Andrews

The Sharp Aisle

The Sharp Aisle, contains the tomb and monument to Archbishop Sharp (1618-1697),

Sharpe was murdered by Covenanters at Magus Muir 1697.


The Great East Window

Dated from 1910


The Good Physician

Dated from 1890 is the only surviving window prior to the reconstruction of the church in 1909.


John Knox Porch

In 1547 Holy Trinity was the scene of the first public sermon

of the famous reformer, John Knox.

 He also preached in Holy Trinity in 1559, instructing residents of St Andrews to purge the city of "monuments of idolatry". Inspired by Knox's the local population rejected Catholicism, tore down statues and altars, and sacked St Andrews Cathedral.

Holy Trinity Church Archbishop Sharp Monument St Andrews
Holy Trinity Aisle and stai glass window
Holy Trinity John Knox Pulpit
St Andrews Town Hall Plaque

Stadhuis van St. Andrews

Queens Gardens

St. Andrews

KY16 9TA


St Andrews Town Hall St Andrews Scotland
St Andrews Town Hall Polish Mosaic Memorial

Stadhuis van St. Andrews, gebouwd in 1858 voor gemeentelijke en openbare doeleinden

Sir Hugh Playfair Provost.

Poolse Soldaat St. Andrews Memorial

Robert Burns Club Plaque

South Street St Andrews

St Andrews Burns Club Plaque

Can be found on what was the Royal Hotel where the club was founded

on 25th January 1869.

13 in the Robert Burns World Federation

Robert Burns Club St Andrews
Robert Burns Club Plaque
Blackfriars Chapel Royal Hotel Madras College. map

Hamish McHamish-standbeeld

Logies Lane

St. Andrews

KY16 9NL


Hamish the Cat St Andrews

Hamish McHamish was een gemberkat (15 jaar oud) die in St. Andrews, Schotland woonde.

Hij werd een internationale ster toen een boek getiteld Hamish McHamish of St Andrews: Cool Cat About Town werd gepubliceerd. Hamish een ster op sociale media met zijn eigen Facebook-pagina en Twitter-account @Hamish_McHamish. Een nomadische kat die werd verzorgd door veel van de inwoners van St. Andrews. Ooit eigendom van Marianne Baird.

Bailie Bell's House and Foundry

South Street St Andrews

Bailie Bell's House and Foundry Plaque

In 1620 Edward Raban came to

St Andrews and set up a printing press in a building on the corner of North Street and Church Street.

This was later demolished by Bailie Bell in 1740 so he could build his house. This house is where his son was born in 1753 (Andrew).  Andrew was to found Madras College and the "monitorial system" of education.

Bailie Bell's House and Foundry

Royal Coat of Arms Tablet

South Street St Andrews

 Royal Coat of Arms of St Andrews

George Martine van Claremont

George Martine van Claremont 1635 -1712

Woonde in South Street Hij was een advocaat commissaris van St. Andrews en auteur van de eerste geschiedenis van het aartsbisdom:- "Reliquiae Divi Andreae"

George Martine of Claremont St Andrews

George Martine FRS 1700 - 1741

George was een arts, chirurg en geoloog, die later op 56 South Street woonde. Hij was de eerste die een zorgvuldige studie maakte van warmte en temperatuurschalen, en maakte de eerste schatting -400F, van de absolute nultemperatuur,  Hij maakte het eerste bruikbare kwik in glazen klinische thermometer. Hier was in 1730 dat hij de eerste tracheotomie in Groot-Brittannië uitvoerde

James David Forbes House 

South Street St Andrews

James David Forbes was born in Edinburgh 20 April 1809

at 86 George Street.

He was educated at Edinburgh University in 1825.  At 19, became a fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and in 1832

he was elected to the

Royal Society of London.

In 1859 he was appointed successor to David Brewster as principal of the United College of St Andrews, which he held until his death in 1868. It could be said he was first to study the heating of the earth.  

James David Forbes House St Andrews
James David Forbes Plaque St Andrews

James Boswell en Samuel Johnson

Dit is de plaats van de Glass Inn 29 South Street waar Boswell en Dr Johnson op 18 augustus 1773 hadden gegeten.


We hadden een sombere rit in een schemerige nacht naar St. Andrews, waar we laat aankwamen. We hebben lekker gegeten bij Glass's Inn.

The Glass Inn overleefde circa 1830

Glass's Inn Boswell and Samuels Visit

St. Andrews



Kathedraal van St. Andrews

De Pensioenen

St. Andrews

KY16 9QL



Kasteel van St. Andrews

de scores

St. Andrews

KY16 9AR



Kerk van de Heilige Drie-eenheid

St Mary's Places

St. Andrews

KY16 9UY



De westelijke haven

Zuid straat

St. Andrews

KY16 9EG



Hamish McHamish-standbeeld

Logies Lane

St. Andrews

KY16 9NL




Blackfriars Chapel

Madras Huis

Zuid straat

St. Andrews

KY16 9EH



Bisschop Wardlaw Standbeeld

St Mary's Vierhoek

St. Andrews



Parochiekerk Kingsbarns



St. Andrews

KY16 8SS



Stadhuis van St. Andrews

Queens Gardens

St. Andrews

KY16 9TA



Tom Morris Grave

De Pensioenen

St. Andrews

KY16 9RG


St Rules Tower

St. Andrews

KY16 9QZ


Bell Pettigrew-museum

Bute Medische Gebouwen

School voor Biologie

Queen's Terras

St. Andrews

KY16 9TS

John Gillespie Sundial St Andrews

James Gregory's


Zuid straat  St. Andrews  Schotland James Gregory was de eerste rijksprofessor in de wiskunde.

Hij legde een meridiaan in 1748. Hij en twee anderen waren de grondleggers van de calculus.

Hij vond de Gregoriaanse telescoop uit. Ga voor een meer diepgaande blik op Gregory's werk naar

Gregory's Meridian Line Plaque St Andrews
Gregory's Meridian Line St Andrews
Gregory's Meridian Line St Andrews
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